
Exciting things are coming soon! I have been busy designing a new line of stencils for dynamic ceramic surfaces. For folks who have a craft cutter but no desire to design files, these new designs will be available as digital downloads. The digital downloads can be easily scaled and cut in any material you like. Limited designs will be available to order precut from tar paper, Tyvek, and stencil film. If you love the idea of using stencils but don’t want to design or cut them yourself this line is perfect for you.


Are you interested in hosting an in person workshop? Workshops can be customized for any number of days at any venue (art center, pottery studio, guild, university, or college). They can be hands-on or lecture/demo only.

Handmade ceramics for your home.

Handmade ceramic inspired by the textures and patterns of everyday life.


Handmade ceramic jewelry inspired by the textures and patterns of everyday life.